Zeke's disorder

2001 - 2002

Created by Paula 13 years ago
At two and half years old zeke's PED Doc. asked me if i would be interested in taking him to the Batson childrens Hospital in Jackson,ms to have some genetic test run on Zeke.I asked "Why would I do that?And explained to him that there was nothing wrong with my son'.He was a normal child, he was doing everything that a child of his age could do. The doctor explained to me that there was a few rare genetic disorders out there that started out with the same symptons as Zeke had been dealing with.At birth he was fine, nothing showed up different, at 3 months he had his first of 3 ing. heronias removed from his groan area.He had colic and acid reflux like some kids do, no red flags yet.At 9 months he was hospitilized with his first of many, many chronic senis infections.He had tubes placed in his ears 3 times. I felt as if he had really bad allergies, we did live in a older house in the south. I was pregant with Austin when his first UMC appt. was made, and I did not take him, because I did not believe my child was sick.They made a second appt. and I did not go to that one either.The doctor called me himself 2 weeks after Austin was born and gave me a choice either I could take Zeke to Jackson, or he would have someone do it for me.It blew my mind, I was nieve to what lie ahead in our life.I told the doc about Austin so they gave me two extra weeks, then the visit. We arrived to see the genetic doc at 8 am, and left at 4 pm. We were seen short after getting there, but what they done to my son that day still scares me.He was not even 2 yet, and I had never really been with a sick child to see what went on in a doc. visit in jackson. Dr. Bock explained to me why he needed to be tested, at that there are 11 forms of MPS (Mucopolysaccharidosis)and he drew blood, took ex rays, ect. for ten of them and told me that all were horrible and fatal with no cure but number 11 was the MONSTER of them all. We left that afternoon awaiting the test results to come in. Two weeks later Dr.Bock called me and said, his exact words still haunt me'Ms.Bass the test results are in on Ezekiel, and they are all negative", I said THANK YOU GOD, he said "No Ms. Bass it is not, I need you to come in today for the testing of the 11th form, witch is a skin bioposy", my heart fell and i said yes sir. We went to Jackson, and they did the bioposy, he explained that there were an ABCD to this disorder and A being the worst,he wished us luck. One month later Dr. Bock called again, an asked me to come in.My heart fell to the floor, as i cried WHY, he said he just needed to see me.I cried and begged for him to tell me, I could not wait another moment,so he gave into me and told me that Zeke did have it and it was type A.